Fatal accident bus in route 9 for the fog in 1993

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Fatal accident where several cars and two long-distance buses collide on Route 9 as a result of the fog. Image of the volunteer firefighters from the city of Zarate trying to extinguish the fire together with the auxiliary personnel of the concessionary company of the national route No. 9. On the side of the route you can see the body of a person who died as a result of the violent collision. Image of a Ranault 12 car, Ford Falcon and a Santa Fe truck colliding on the road. Testimony of the wife of the man who was driving the truck. Report to a cash of the firemen: -How many people did the firemen move? -Are you aware if the people who were on top of the bus suffered some kind of accident? - the only thing that we can indicate that there was a deceased person?
Date: 2/15/1993
Duration: 3 minutes 25 seconds
Code: BC-1084

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