[Weather] Cooler weather but nice overall

  • 4 years ago
맑지만 큰 일교차

Good morning. It doesn't feel like spring in the early hours, even lows are a touch cooler than this morning and highs will be hovering below the seasonal norms. Dress a bit warmer than yesterday, a scarf will do.
The dryness we have been experiencing in the air is forecast to get worse as the humidity level in Seoul could drop as low as 15 percent by mid afternoon. Seoul has been under a dry weather warning for 8 straight days. Stay hydrated and try to boost indoor humidity levels. Many experts recommend to have adequate humidity levels around this time. For Korea, between 50 to 60 percent.
Now checking on our temperatures, morning lows are similar to yesterday, Jeju at 10 degrees under clear blue skies.
By the afternoon, the numbers will be a couple notches lower than yesterday, hovering in the mid to upper teens.
That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.