• 5 years ago
BAD BOYS FOR LIFE Movie - Michael Bay Easter Egg

Plot synopsis: The Bad Boys Mike Lowrey (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) are back together for one last ride in the highly anticipated Bad Boys for Life.

Directed by: Adil El Arbi & Bilall Fallah

Written by: Joe Carnahan and Chris Bremner

Produced by:
Jerry Bruckheimer
Will Smith
Doug Belgrad

Executive Producers:
Barry Waldman
Chad Oman
Mike Stenson
James Lassiter

Will Smith
Martin Lawrence
Vanessa Hudgens
Alexander Ludwig
Charles Melton
Paola Nunez
Kate Del Castillo
Nicky Jam
and Joe Pantoliano

#BadBoys #WillSmith #MartinLawrence #Sony #VanessaHudgens #AlexanderLudwig #CharlesMelton #PaolaNunez #KateDelCastillo #NickyJam #JoePantoliano #BadBoysForLife #BadBoysSequel