How to Learn Spoken English? | Learn Spoken English Online | How to learn English? | Hari Om Sir

  • 4 years ago
How to Learn Spoken English? | Learn Spoken English Online | How to learn English? | Hari Om Sirh | Day-1 | Introduction of Best English Guru English Speaking YouTube Channel | By- Hari Om Mishra Sir

Introduction of Best English Guru’s English Speaking YouTube Videos

#BestEnglishGuru #EnglishSpeaking #HariOmMishraSir #SpokenEnglish #Introduction #LearnEnglish #EnglishClass

Our need is to move with time. The same rule also applies for language knowledge. Mother tongue is our identity. But for success, other languages ​​need to be learned. If you have a doctorate degree in your subject, but you are very weak in English speaking, then there is a feeling of weakness in educated society somewhere in your mind.

I mean to say that in today’s modern era, the importance of English speaking has increased so much that English speaking has become our biggest need. From last thirty years I am associated with education. I wrote English Grammar books, a social book on education, ‘Education in Coma’, which was released by His Holiness Shri Anna Hazare. I started the first ‘school without Bag’ of the state in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh, whose voice was echoed in the Vidhan Sabha there as well. And now making English speaking YouTube videos for you all.

Now it’s your time…

I will definitely teach those, who are wishing to learn English speaking through my English Speaking on YouTube videos in a very simple way. Based on my thirty years of experience, I can say with confidence that no one will be afraid of English and English speaking anymore. The person who watches my videos will no longer run away from English, but will learn English in a simple way and make his own identity in the society. Keep watching my English speaking course on YouTube and learn English speaking with my English speaking course in YouTube. You will be also able to know how to learn basic English speaking on YouTube videos.

Jai Hind!!

समय के साथ चलना ही हमारी जरूरत होती है । यही नियम भाषा ज्ञान के लिए भी लागू होता है । मातृभाषा हमारी-आपकी पहचान होती है परन्तु सफलता के लिए दूसरी भाषाओं को भी सीखने की जरूरत होती है । हमारे देश में जिसे English आती है , वह सफल कहलाता है । आप के पास अपने विषय में डाक्टरेट डिग्री है परन्तु English में काफी कमजोर हैं तो कहीं न कहीं मन के अंदर शिक्षित समाज में कमजोरी का आभास होता है ।

मेरे कहने का तात्पर्य यह है कि आज के इस आधुनिक युग में English का महत्व इतना अधिक बढ़ गया है कि English हमारी-आपकी सबसे बड़ी जरूरत बन गई है ।विगत तीस वर्षों से मैं शिक्षा जगत से जुड़ा रहा हूं । मैंने English Grammar की किताबें लिखी , शिक्षा पर एक सामाजिक पुस्तक ‘ कोमा में शिक्षा ‘ लिखा जिसका विमोचन परम आदरणीय श्री अन्ना हजारे जी ने किया था । मैंने मध्य प्रदेश के सतना जिले में प्रदेश का प्रथम ‘ बिना बस्ते वाला विद्यालय ‘ प्रारंभ किया था जिसकी आवाज वहां की विधानसभा में भी गूंजी थी ।


