• 5 years ago
गवाह को कसम क्यों खिलाई जाती है? | Why Oath is Taken in Indian Courts | Expert Vakil
Importance of Oath & Affidavit in a Judicial Proceedings | गवाह को कसम क्यों खिलाई जाती है I

The essential difference between an affidavit and an oath is that one is a statement and the other is a promise. A document which is a written, sworn statement of facts regarding a particular issue is called an affidavit, and an oath is a promise to perform a specified duty such as telling the truth. Swearing or affirming an oath that the facts contained in the document are true is a vital part of an affidavit. The oath is what makes the affidavit the equivalent of legal testimony in a court of law. The affidavit is not considered valid without the oath;however, oaths also have many other applications.


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