How you boost your immune system to help fight Coronavirus How to fight with coronavirus (COVID-19) | world map and live counter on confirmed cases | coronavirus world map and live counter on confirmed cases | coronavirus live map coronavirus map

  • 4 years ago
#Coronavirus #immune system
While broccoli may not have been subject to the same level of coronavirus panic buying as loo paper or hand sanitizer, it's a bit scarce in supermarkets these days. So what is it about this green cruciferous vegetable that has suddenly piqued everyone's interest? Green vegetables, along with supplements, exercise and juicing, are often touted as immune system boosters; but as far as scientists such as Marc Pellegrini are concerned, vaccines are the only thing that will boost your immune system to prevent infection. "[Vaccines] boost the capacity of the immune system to fight infection, because you're exposing it to a pathogen that it will recognize next time," said Professor Pellegrini, an infectious disease expert at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. Although there is currently no vaccine to boost your immune system and prevent COVID-19, you can try to keep your immune system — and your body — healthy to give it the best chance of fighting an infection. This is where things like a balanced diet, regular exercise and sleep come in. But first, let's unpack how your immune system works and why some people have better immune systems than others. What happens when your immune system meets a virus? Your immune system is made up of different types of cells and molecules, such as antibodies. The first line of defense is what's known as our innate immune system.

If the immune system can't stop the virus replicating, it goes into overdrive and ramps up inflammation, especially in the lungs. This is what causes viral pneumonia. "This is where it's critical for our body to be nimble. And the nimble part of the immune system is the innate system." Do some of us have weaker immune systems?
The immune systems of the very old and the very young are weaker than most other people.

"As you age, some of the cells also age and become a little less nimble in their capacity to respond to the infections."

Usually, babies and very young children also have a greater risk because their innate immunes system hasn't matured, but that does not appear to be happening with COVID-19.

People who are immunocompromised are also less nimble. This includes people who have a disease or are taking a drug that suppresses their immune system such as those with autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy and people who have had organ transplants.

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