Two-year-old has message for Boris Johnson as her dad is stuck on construction site during lockdown

  • 4 years ago
Two-year-old Mila from Devon has a strong message for the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson as her Dad is stuck on a construction site with no social distancing measures.

Filmed on Tuesday (March 24), the two-year-old titan expresses severe frustration that her father - who is a scaffolder - is still on a large construction site and could lead to more pressure on NHS workers.

Mila is heard in the video saying: "My daddy is a scaffolder.

"He works in a very, very, very, very big construction site.

"It's dangerous, there's no social distancing."

Mila then demands to "shut the sites!"

Further on in the video, Mila demands that self-employed workers should be paid during the lockdown and despite not seeing her dad as much she will remain positive.

Her mother Tweeted: "Mila’s Dad will return home from working on a non-emergency construction site tomorrow.

"[On] Monday, Mila will go to her Nanny’s whilst I go to my support worker job."

Later adding: "Keeping the sites open is disrespectful to the amazing doctors and nurses who will be the ones to face the consequences. Protect them. #shutthesites."

Her mother told Newsflare: "Mila’s Dad works on a large construction site in the UK.

"Horrifying photos have emerged highlighting that is is impossible to keep 6ft apart on these sites."