• 5 years ago
This is the hilarious moment an unknowing toddler leaves his parents in despair by dropping the family's last pack of toilet rolls into the bath.

Lauren Hardy told Newsflare: "We were going about our normal bath time routine and somehow Eli had managed to find our last remaining open pack of toilet rolls.

"My husband Sean went to check the bath temperature as by this point we were all messing about in another room, and was devastated to find the three toilet rolls, that currently have premium value, floating in the bath!

"We knew Eli was the culprit as he openly admitted it, as seen - and he is a nightmare for throwing things in the bath.

"He clearly has no idea of the value of toilet roll nowadays."

The cute clip was recorded in their Poole home, Dorset on Thursday (March 19).

Toilet roll has become a highly in-demand item amid the coronavirus pandemic and UK supermarkets are now rationing toilet paper to prevent stockpiling.


