[Read] Creative Cannabis Cooking: A Chefs' Collective of Feel-Good Food for Marijuana

  • 4 years ago
Cannabis is the hottest new ingredient to hit the culinary world, and cannabis-infused food is an evolving art and science. In Creative Cannabis Cooking, chefs in the know from Amherst to Anaheim share their secrets for infusing everything from oil and agave to soups and cocktails with this once-taboo ingredient.Covering every meal from brunch to late-night cocktails and snacks, Creative Cannabis Cooking approaches cannabis as yet another fine ingredient to be studied and savored, like a great wine, a premium cigar, gourmet chocolate, or single-malt scotch. With fifty fully tested recipes from experienced professional chefs, Creative Cannabis Cooking guides readers through the process of making fresh, tasty, and healthy home-cooked meals using cannabis as the main additive.The cookbook also provides step-by-step instructions on preparing cannabis for use in the kitchen as well as advice on personalizing dosage for different tastes. Tips for trimming, processing, storing, and preserving cannabis will be included along with a ?buyer?s guide? that sheds light on the many varieties of cannabis flavor profiles, showcasing strains based not only on feel-good levels, but more importantly, taste-good levels.
