Dude breaks out of prison using makeshift dummy

  • 4 years ago
SUDBURY, UNITED KINGDOM — A violent UK prisoner is back behind bars after fleeing prison using a makeshift dummy, Birmingham Live reports.

Prisoner Luke Harvey inmate managed to dupe his guards with the dummy one Friday night last August. He was doing 12 years for armed robbery but was due for release this year.

Birmingham Live reports that prisoner Harvey then scaled a 3m fence at Sudbury prison. On the other side his girlfriend, Hannah Smith, was waiting for him in a getaway car.

The two are then said to have gone to Skegness for the weekend.

Harvey told Hannah he was due back at prison on Monday. But, Derbyshire Live reports that he went on the lam for six days by himself before getting a ride from Hannah to Birmingham. And that's when the law caught up with them.

Harvey was sentenced in 2014 to 12 years but would've been released this year. He got another 10 months added to his sentence. Meanwhile, Hannah, a mother of one, got six months and community service. According to Derbyshire live, the two are no longer an item.
