• 5 years ago
Bare in mind this is for the my beta builds that I've been fixing. But be sure to check at rcbot.bots-united.com

First is to download the RCBot2 v1.00 or higher, and the latest Metamod Source stable builds.


Also it is best to use and download NotePad++ for editing the config files. Because some server tools and addons would be in Unix LF as the ordinary Notepad will open those files with a messy long line of words, due to no windows line ending (\r\n).

Then unzip the Metamod:Source folders inside the main /tf folder and be sure to have the /addons folder intact as well have both the /metamod and /rcbot2 inside.

Select and open gameinfo.txt and add "GameBin |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin" you will need to read this for more info:-


Now seeing my betas aren't that fully stable I recommend using Debug build, to switch to Debug mode for RCBot2 go into /addons/metamod/rcbot2.vtf and add "Debug" to the "addons/rcbot2/bin/RCBot2Meta" file directory. DON'T use the metaplugins.ini as that doesn't work as well as using rcbot2.vtf.

It is useful and important for you to report any key bugs when using our Debug builds as we want RCBot2 to work as possible.

For debugging in Linux Servers, you will need to "apt get gdb" which is GNU DeBugger. Load your Linux Terminal Shell where the directory contains "srcds_linux" and "srcds_run" then type this into the Shell:-

"$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH":bin gdb ./srcds_linux" after that type in "run -game tf2 +ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx +port 27015" etc like you would load a TF2 server using the CLI Startup but don't type the "./srcds_run" part instead use "run" for the GDB to work.

Now for the configuration of RCBot2, you will need to use RCBotUpdater.exe to update the hookinfo.ini as RCBot2 is dependant on that. Select the xml that was found in /tools folder then select the Mod you want to use for hookinfo.ini. Then its just the case of copying the new hookinfo into the /config/hookinfo.ini file.

Then go to bot_mods.ini and removing the hash tags for the TF2 line as shown.

And hopefully your bots are ready to go! Be sure to visit RCBot forums for more info!