Series J 0007 - 2107 - Lee Teusner

  • 4 years ago
Colour in Your Life featured artist Lee Teusner appeared on Colour In Your Life Season Twenty One (21).

Read a little bit about the artist here, and support our site by joining and watching the episode below.

Lee Teusner dreamed of becoming an artist, a dreamer she has always been, imagining and having romantic notions about all sorts of things.

Growing up, Lee’s family were involved in local theatre and stage productions, her Mum, Dad and sister  were out there - front and centre, performing, pretending, singing…. That wasn’t Lee – she wasn’t ON stage, but she loved the atmosphere, the makeup and costumes and the transformation of performers into character. With her dear friend and mentor, Roger, she created many backdrops and theatre props, and helped create the glamour on the actors with make-up and costume. It was a world of make-believe.

Over the years of practice, Lee Teusner gained courage to explore, experiment, play, make mistakes – learn from them, develop new ideas, use new techniques to evolve her artwork, grow more confident, improve and keep moving forward.

She learned how to value what she does and PUT value on what she does.

Lee learned how to teach others to paint and in doing so discovered that she truly connected with giving to others through teaching art.

As a result, Lee developed her own style of teaching, and added it to her art practice where participants can connect with their creative energy in a relaxing, fun learning environment and achieve a beautiful piece of feminine artwork, that reflects their inner Diva at the end of a one, two or three day intensive session.

Lee Teusner is inspired by exploring the realm of the feminine and works to reveal the many faces of a woman, from exotic to mysterious, romantic to abundant and beautiful. Colour, texture and painting an emotional world are all a part of the process.

Lee wants to inspire women to recognise their grace, and embrace the small details that add a world of class on a daily basis. Acknowledge the hour before the magic of the evening happens, glimpses of the world where she makes time to be beautiful - the preparation.  Pay tribute to the precious moments where she goes to create and recall her own unique style.

Lee has such a strong connection to the concept of painting Divas. In her heart and mind there is a whole world of Diva inspiration waiting to be shared, where people can harvest courage, strength, beauty, self-acceptance, humility, tolerance or just get what they need to be who they truly are.

Lee Teusner has always loved painting and drawing beauty and pretty women, and loves makeup, style and fashion as well. Coco Chanel, Audrey Hepburn , Marilyn Monroe and many other strong, beautiful, classy women inspire Lee’s work.

Lee also noticed how painting beautiful images of women made her feel - she felt empowered and feminine within as she worked, transported into a romantic world and expressing a little piece of herself in each painting.
