• 4 years ago
Onyx, the cat, loved to play fetch with her owner. Every time her owner would throw her toy, she would run, pick it up in her mouth, and bring it back to them.
00:00Onyx, what's this? Okay, ready? You ready? Go get it!
00:05Come here! Bring it back! Oh, good girl! Drop it! Good girl! Okay, you ready? Go get it!
00:13Okay, come here! Good girl! Okay, ready? Go get it!
00:22Onyx, come on! Good girl! Drop it! Drop it! Would you drop it? Oh!
00:27Okay, you ready? You ready? Go get it!
00:41Onyx, get your toy! Get your toy! Okay, come here!
00:46Careful, Pats! Okay, Bob wants Pats!
