• 5年前
How to print labels, barcodes, 2D barcodes and 1D barcodes?
Label printing automation and barcode generator software

UCCSOFT SmartVizor provides a variety of ready-made industry-compatible forms and barcode labels for automotive, logistics, transportation, military and transportation related applications.
Print ready-to-use compliance labels for automotive applications (VDA 4902, AIAG B10 ...). Immediate compliance with production standards (VDA 4902 label, etc.)
The same as Print labels, VDA 4902 and AIAG shipping labels and 2D barcodes, AIAG, VDA, GTL, GS1, ..., VDA 4902 Tags: AIAG, Galia, GM, GTL, Odette, VDA, VDA BeloM, DHL®, FedEx®, Post, TNT®, UPS®, EU Customs and GS1 Freight The label should be immediate.

