BBC Radio 4_ Farming Today 6Mar20 - the phasing out of the badger cull

  • 4 years ago
BBC Radio 4_ Farming Today 6Mar20 - the phasing out of the badger cull

The government this week gave its response to the Godfray review - an examination of the controversial policy of badger culling. The cull, which has been an annual event in England since 2013, is intended to tackle the rise of bovine TB in cattle. It has aroused strong feelings on both sides of the debate: those in favour of the cull say it's an essential tool in tackling the disease in wildlife, but opponents claim that it's expensive, ineffective and cruel. This week the government announced that the cull will be phased out by the mid 2020s. In this programme, Sybil Ruscoe talks to farmers, wildlife campaigners, politicians and vets to gauge reaction to the decision.

Pallab Ghosh: Science correspondent for BBC News

Peter Gantlett: Dairy farmer from North Wiltshire

Dominic Dyer: Chief Executive of the Badger Trust

Stuart Roberts: National Farmers Union (NFU) Deputy President
