SCOTUS Will Rule on Affordable Care Act Next Term

  • 4 years ago
SCOTUS Will Rule on
Affordable Care Act Next Term The Supreme Court's
next term begins in October. This means the court
will not render a decision on
the Affordable Care Act, also known
as Obamacare, until after the 2020 election. Until a decision is rendered,
the act will continue uninterrupted. The announcement from the
court came as a surprise
to some analysts. The Supreme Court turned down
a request earlier this year that would
have put the case on the court's current term. At issue is whether or
not the act is constitutional. After the Republican-led Congress
voted to reduce the tax penalty for
having no health insurance to $0, predominantly Republican states,
including Texas, sued to bring an end to the law. Their argument was that without
a tax penalty, the act was
no longer legal.
