The Angry Brain: A Contemporary View of the Anger Emotion and How It Relates to Human Behavior,

  • 4 years ago
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The Aristos Psychology Model expounded upon through the work of the late John G. Geier is a model based on the idea of moving towards our best selves through a psychology of responsibility. In this remarkable book, Steven Sisler uncovers the angry brain and the behavioral and emotional orientations of the dominant personality type. This book uncovers the profound dynamics of character, temperament, and typology as they relate specifically to the anger emotion and those who embody it. Sisler takes you through a contemporary view of the anger emotion and how it relates to human behavior, character, and temperament. This extraordinary break-down of the Aristos Personality Model, the brains energy system, and the effects of an intense anger emotion will help you understand and embrace an emotion that has been misunderstood for years. Whether you have an intense anger emotion yourself or you know someone who does, this book will be your handbook for understanding and managing your behavior while learning strategies for becoming your best self.
