Roque Fernandez assumes as Minister of Economy in Argentina 1996

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Assume Roque Fernandez as Minister of Economy. General views of the ceremony where President Carlos Menem takes the oath. Eduardo Menem, Alberto Pierri, Susana Decibe, Domingo Cavallo, Jorge Domínguez and Carlos Corach, among others. Carlos Menem's speech on the direction of economic policy. Insert file with Domingo Cavallo retiring in a car of the Ministry of Economy. Domingo Cavallo talking to the press in a room. Central house facade of Galicia Bank. Blackboard with the price of the dollar. Operations in the Stock Exchange. Press statements by economist Roberto Alemann and other officials at the end of the ceremony at the Casa Rosada.
Date: 7/29/1996
Duration: 8 minutes 43 seconds
Code: BG-0478

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