Dynasty S03E14 That Wicked Stepmother

  • 4 years ago
Dynasty 3x14 "That Wicked Stepmother" Season 3 Episode 14 Promo Trailer HD - FAMILY FIRST - As Blake (Grant Show) and Alexis (Elaine Hendrix) continue to vie for the loyalty of Fallon (Liz Gillies) and Adam (Sam Underwood), Cristal (Daniella Alonso) finds herself resorting to drastic measures to carry out her plans. Liam (Adam Huber) contends with someone from his past while Dominique (Michael Michele) calls in a consequential favor from Culhane (Michael Christopher Riley.) Also starring Alan Dale, Sam Adegoke, and Rafael de la Fuente. Brandi Bradburn directed the episode written by Garrett Oakley (#314). Original airdate 2/28/2020.
