Twin Sanity: a how-to guide for new and expectant mothers of twins Review

  • 4 years ago
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An Air Force wife and mother of identical twins, Susanna teaches sanity-saving strategies to help parents handle the logistics of caring for multiples-even without having family nearby or hiring extra help. Sanity-saving topics include - Preparing for two babies-what parents really need to buy and where they can find it (without breaking the bank!) - Maternity wear for an expectant (and expanding) mom of two - Bed rest, labor, delivery, and the possibility of preemies - Breastfeeding twins-yes, it can be done! - Sleep-how to get it sooner rather than later - The daily routine-the sanity-saving details that new parents crave about how they will successfully manage caring for two babies. With a master's degree in education and experience as a second grade and fifth grade teacher, Susanna understood how to manage a classroom, but found few resources on how to manage caring for two infants. Twin Sanity provides soothing encouragement to new and expectant parents of twins, both through practical, research-based how-tos and "I've been there, thought that, you're not going crazy" journal excerpts from when the author was an expectant mother of twins, herself."Susanna's book was my go-to survival guide my first year of twin mommyhood." -Julie-Rose Tedrick"I wish I'd had this book when my twins were born! This is the best advice book for twins that I've seen. I highly recommend this book for any mom (or dad) expecting twins!" -Ellengray Schroeder