How the Nevada caucus works

  • 4 years ago
NEVADA — After Iowa and New Hampshire comes the third nominating contest for the Democratic presidential contenders in Nevada, the "First of the West."

Here's all you need to know about the upcoming Nevada caucus.

The Nevada Independent reports that early voting for the Nevada caucus is from February 15 to 18 at over 80 sites.

Voters must first check in with volunteers, whose party-purchased iPads are loaded with a PDF voter roll. After filling out a Google form and being given a voter pin, they rank their preferences on a scannable paper ballot, which is then dropped into a ballot box

During caucus day on February 22, voters sign in at their local precincts and must then separate into groups based on which candidate they support.

Candidates who receive less than 15% of the vite are deemed 'non-viable' and disqualified. Their supporters can either go to a different candidate or remain uncommitted.

Instead of the failed Shadow Inc. app used in Iowa, Nevada will use a Google Forms-based caucus calculator on the iPads.

According to ABC, this will calculate totals by combining caucus day and early voting data, although precinct chairs will still be required to fill out back-up paper reporting sheets. Should the state deem it necessary to conduct a recount, these sheets will serve as their paper trail.'

As required by the DNC, three sets of results will be reported on caucus day: raw votes from the first alignment, raw votes from the final alignment, and county delegate results.

A Nevada Democratic Official told ABC that the reporting process will include a two-source verification, with data first reported through 'a secure hotline to a trained operator.' Either the calculator or the reporting sheet will serve as an additional source.