How to hacking course and I ISO satisfied Top Trick Secret Studio

  • 5 years ago
Top Trick Secret Studio

This Edureka "Ethical Hacking Tutorial in Hindi" video will give you an introduction to Ethical Hacking. This video will give you an exhaustive video on key topics of Ethical Hacking for beginners! Below are the topics covered in this Ethical Hacking in Hindi video:

1. What is Ethical Hacking
2. Goals of Ethical Hacking
3. Why Ethical Hacking is Important
4. What is a Security Threat
5. Types of Security Threats
6. Security Threats: Preventive Measures
7. Ethical Hacker Skills
8. Why Learn Programming
9. Ethical Hacking Tools
10. What is Social Engineering
11. Phases of Social Engineering
12. Social Engineering Techniques
13. Cryptography
14. Cryptanalysis
15. Cryptanalysis Techniques
16. Standard Cryptographic Algorithms
17. RC4 Decryption Demonstration


Editor :-Nadeem Malik
