About For Books Acres of Diamonds Review

  • 4 years ago

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Acres of Diamonds: That's what you will find in this book6, 152!That is the number of times the speech in this book was delivered by Conwell's (the author) count, a self-made man.The fact that is included in Ripley's Believe It or Not!And not only that, the content you have here in this book is from a man who was the first president of Temple University, an excellent orator, a compassionate minister, an educator, etc.Simply put, the book is about how you can find your own opportunities if you have the knowledge to find it at places where they are in bunches. That is a tremendous way to succeed.His philosophy can be summed up as: "All Good Things Are Possible."And it can be possible for you too, as the timeless message from this book has already transformed the lives of many.From the book: 1. Opportunity is everywhere: The richest man in this country to-day, if you read the real-estate values, has never moved away from a town of 3,500 inhabitants. It makes not so much difference where you are as who you are. But if you cannot get rich in Philadelphia you certainly cannot do it in New York.2. A woman made it big: ..".and when a woman makes up her mind "she will," and does not say anything about it, she does it. It was that New England woman who invented the snap button which you can find anywhere now." "Any of you who wear modern waterproofs know the button that simply pushes together, and when you unbutton it you simply pull it apart. That is the button to which I refer, and which she invented. She afterward invented several other buttons, and then invested in more, and then was taken into partnership with great factories. Now that woman goes over the sea every summer in her private steamship -- yes, and takes her husband with her!"3. Greatness is already in you, in your deeds: Greatness consists not in the holding of some future office, but really consists in doing great deeds with little means and the accomplishment of vast purposes from the private ranks of life.Get Your Copy Now!
