Full E-book The Joy of Missing Out: Live More by Doing Less For Online

  • 4 years ago
Overwhelmed.?Do you wake up in the morning already feeling behind? Does the pressure of keeping it all together make you feel anxious and irritable?Tonya Dalton, CEO and productivity expert, offers you a liberating shift in perspective: feeling overwhelmed isn't the result of having too much to do --?it's from not knowing where to start.Doing less might seem counterintuitive,?but doing less is more productive, because you?re concentrating on the work you actually want to be doing.?Through this book, you can learn how to:Identify what is important to?you?and clarify?your?priorities.Develop ways to streamline?your?specific workflow.Discover?your?purpose.Named Top 10 Business Book of the Year by?Fortune?magazine,?The Joy of Missing Out?is chock-full of resources and printables. This is a legitimate action plan for change. Once you reject the pressure to do more, something amazing happens: you discover you can finally live a guilt-free, abundant life.