Friction Free Sales and Marketing: Three Types Of Psychological Resistance - Which Stop Your

  • 4 years ago
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This isn't your typical sales or marketing book.Friction Free Sales And Marketing is about resistance and the psychology of influence and persuasion. It's about removing psychological resistance, the obstacles you and your customers create in the sales process, and making your sales friction free.In traditional sales and marketing you learn about features and benefits. You learn how you get attention, build interest, and create desire so your customer becomes motivated to buy. None of this addresses the three types of resistance your customers experience before, during, and after the sale. Yes, you're taught how to "deal" with objections but objection handling isn't working with customer resistance.The traditional process is like trying to push people through a door. Some will go willingly. Most will resist. But you keep pushing because you want them to go through the door. Eventually, you get some through despite the resistance they feel (and continue to feel once through). Some will want their money back. Some will be happy.Don't get me wrong, the traditional model works. But, when you learn how to reduce or eliminate resistance you'll amplify your effectiveness.Friction Free Sales And Marketing draws from research on the psychology of resistance and shows you how to make your sales process friction free. You'll learn:- What's going on inside your customer's mind and what stops them in the sales process.- How to address the three types of resistance so you won't have to push to get your customer moving.- How and when your sales process creates resistance and how to fix it.- How to lower refund rates. (Buyer's remorse comes from resistance left after the sale.)- How to sell more without adding any additional benefits or costs.Unfortunately, there is no magic pill. I don't guarantee you'll be able to sell everyone, every time. Sorry.However, when you lower the resistance your customer feels you're able to sell more without pushing any harder. You won't have to add in extra benefits or additional costs to make each sale. You will increase your conversion rates (and profits) with less effort and lower cost.Friction Free Sales and Marketing covers 18 strategies that work with the three types of resistance. You'll find dozens of examples and worksheets to help you understand and fully implement each strategy.
