You Have What it Takes: Success Strategies for Women at Work Complete

  • 4 years ago
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We all want to feel valued and appreciated. We want to be paid what we are worth and to have opportunities to move up, to have a voice and a place where our ideas are listened to and respected, to have our contributions recognized, and to look with pride at our accomplishments. There is rarely a straight path to the top of our work game, whatever that may be. The dozen women whose stories are shared here-including the author's own-learned to be strategists in a world still resistant to a woman's position in the workplace. Mary Ellen Connelly says, "Many of us have faced roadblocks and crises in the course of our careers. And yet we have adapted, changed, and developed into powerful, successful women on our own terms. Now it's our time to mentor other women who are facing challenges at work." This book is about helping you to survive and thrive at work despite obstacles, and to achieve whatever "success" at work may mean for you. And while this book is about finding your own level of success, it is also about helping you to believe in yourself. You do have what it takes to succeed-and now you can add to that the experiences and strategies shared here.
