[Read] Mindsharing: The Art of Crowdsourcing Everything Review

  • 4 years ago
With more than half of all adult Americans using Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, we are more connected than ever. These connections are our greatest source of knowledge and decision-making. Whether we need to make better financial choices, find the love of our life, or transform our career, Mind Sharing offers out-of-the-box ways to use technology to upgrade our thinking.Through the power of Mind Sharing, we all can learn to make quicker, wiser, and more objective decisions about any aspect of our lives. Mind Sharing is where innovation and creativity is fueled by the collective wisdom of our digital networks. Author Lior Zoref offers step-by-step guidelines for how to tap into the full potential of online networks. These connections have the power to change lives and make dreams come true. Zoref includes examples such as: ? How a mother?s Facebook update saved the life of a four-year-old boy.? How one man used the crowd as a matchmaker and found the love of his life.? How a ?take me to work with you? post helped one woman create her own personal job fair and discover her dream job was closer than she realized? How business leaders are using Mind Sharing to innovate and problem-solve in record time and with better results.? How one manager used a LinkedIn Group to create a year?s worth of market research in less than a day.? How Mind Sharing can be the key to making any dream a reality, and how the crowd can coach you along the way.Drawing from his personal experience as a former executive at Microsoft, as well as insights from his PhD research and extensive network, Zoref reveals how strategic crowdsourcing has the ability to supercharge our thinking, and upgrade every aspect of our lives.