• 5 years ago
When we start a motor, we use the motor starter to start it. Today, the difference between the MCB and the starter is what the starter is and how the starter works. What is Motor Starter
Difference between MCB and Starter
Friends, the biggest reason for replacing the MCB with a starter is that we cannot automate the system using MCB. The starter is used for automatic systems.
MCB is a manual system, meaning we cannot start MCB from anywhere. To turn on MCB, we have to go to MCB. Whereas we can turn on the starter from anywhere with the help of electrical.
Apart from this, protection in MCB means security is up to certain limits, that is, fixed. If we talk about the starter, then we can apply many ways of protection in the starter. And at the same time the starter is a big advantage that we can use it to run the motor according to our usage. And when we have to run the motor and for how long, we can do it all with the help of the starter.
What is MCB and what protection does MCB give us.
(Type of motor starter)
We make the starter according to our usage, so there are many types of starter.
The most commonly used starter is of three types.

1 D.O.L. Starter (DOL Starter)
2 Reverse Forward Starter (Reverse Forward Starter)
3 Star Delta Starter (Star Delta Starter)
D.O.L. Starter (DOL Starter)
The DOL motor starter, also known as direct online starter, is the most commonly used starter.
The DOL starter is used on a motor of size below 7.5KW / 10 HP. This starter's wiring is quite easy.
Dol Starter Working - Its working is very easy. In this we start the motor using the push button of a contactor, an overload relay, and start stop.
Reverse forward starter
Reverse Forward Starter This starter is also a DOL starter. But where we need to turn the motor in two directions (direction), we apply reverse forward starter.
Reverse Forward Starter Working - Like I told you it is similar to DOL Starter. The only difference is that in this we use two contacts.
The first to turn the contactor motor in a straight direction and the second to turn the motor in the opposite direction.
We also use this starter for a motor of less than 10HP.
Star Delta Starter (Star Delta Starter)
The Star Delta motor starter is a very useful starter. This is the starter used in our big motor. For motors larger than 10 HP, it is advisable to install a Star Delta starter.
Star Delta Starter Working - The main job of this starter is to prevent our large motor from consuming more current at the time of starting. This starter has three contacts.
1 STAR Contactor
2 Delta Contactor
3 Main Contactor
In order to not have too much current at the time of motor starting, in this starter we do wiring in such a way that the Star Contactor is started with our Main Contactor first. Whose job is to start the motor in the star.
After some time, we remove the star contactor and add a delta contactor and the motor is driven into the delta.
Star delta uses 3 contacts, 1 overload relay, 1 timer, and star sto


