Historic Monte-Carlo Rally - Day 5

  • 4 years ago
Exhausted after thousands of kilometers behind the wheel of a historic car, almost dizzy from the effort while savoring the honeys of triumph, because reaching the finish line, even if it is reluctantly, is a victory.

This is how Iván Vicario, one of the pilots of the SEAT 127, a journalist expert in historic cars who excited and grateful in equal parts, hugged each other endlessly celebrating the success of having reached the goal while veteran 127 was still snorting on the podium with an overheated engine and a good beating of kilometers. "I'm in a cloud," he told us with a huge smile and his eyes irritated by the long hours without sleep and the excitement of having completed a mythical rally such as Monte-Carlo. “I still don't believe it, but Jesus Bonilla and I have done it. It's hard to say how I feel. It has been very difficult and we have not stopped learning with every kilometer of the race. If I started again right now, I would be delighted, I think our result could improve a lot. Regularity Rallyes are not easy, but this is a very intense, very beautiful experience, so much so that I would dare to give the ten keys or advice that I would give to those who would like to sign up for the next year to run this rally.