Video shows Wuhan's new hospital looking like a prison

  • 4 years ago
CHINA — China announced the completion of a 1,000-bed hospital that will accommodate patients infected with the dreaded you-know-what.

The Associated Press reports that the first patients arrived Monday at Huoshenshan Hospital, which was assembled in 10 days.

Satellite images released by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation shows a field at the site back in October 29.

Construction was in full swing by January 30, a mere seven days after it broke ground, and was complete by February 2.

A new video posted to Twitter by Himalaya Global claims to show the inside of the Huoshenshan facility.

The footage was supposedly shot by a contractor, who shows a sick ward with the ominous warning that "once you are in, you can't get out" and says "you'd better quarantine at home than here."

He then proceeds to walk around the facility, showing windows welded shut, a small window opening to deliver food, and doors that can't be opened from the inside.

It's supposed to be a hospital, but looks more like a prison.

Folks online chimed in that hospitals don't usually have doors opening just one way, and commented that this was more a "medical" internment camp than anything else – a jail for sick people, basically.

A second 1,500-bed "hospital" called Leishenshan began construction on January 27 and is meant to be ready this week after 12 days of construction work.
