[Read] How to Get a Farm, and Where to Find One Complete

  • 4 years ago
Excerpt from How to Get a Farm, and Where to Find One The rich man needs no such work as this. His ample purse will enable him to purchase land where-ever his fancy may lead, paying for other men's improvements, and lavishly expending his means on new ones. He has his idols in common with the poor man. The first thought of the former is to improve and embellish; that of the latter is simply to acquire. The now wealthy man was at one time actuated by a similar impulse. Henceforth his ambition is to spend. As the poor are always with us, there is a constantly existing crowd whose aspirations are identical with those which he once entertained. Many of them are equally deserving with their successful predecessors. Many of them have no thought of achieving fortune by commerce, trade, or manufactures, or the national vice of office-seeking. Their attention is directed exclusively to agriculture, and the acquisition of land.