Hurricane Ike Footage

  • 16 years ago - There has been much talk about Hurricane Ike, here is a video we took showing the before and after effects of Hurricane Ike on our house and our street which is around 60 miles from the coast of Galveston. Notice the big tree at the green house, Ike blew it down like the big bad wolf. The tree caused roof damage to our neighbor and the stump is still in the street waiting to be picked up, as of 12/14/2008. The pine trees you'll see at the beginning withstood Ike's winds. First my wife, Adriana, is talking then Kayla, my oldest daughter is narrating. Gabi is the pretty little girl with straight, long hair. The 2nd half of the video I'm doing the narrating.Later in the video, Adriana is narrating and the little girls are friends from down the street. PS: We were without power for around 2 weeks. PSS: Notice the big, tall tree at the green house, which is standing at the beginning of the video, but Hurricane Ike knocks it down, because it is fallen by the end of the video. Enjoy! Erik Loebl
