• 5 years ago
Read the full text of the rap below –

They call me Arivu,
I’m one of you,
Equality is my dream,
Ambedkar and Periyar lives forever,
And my rap is the product of their rationality!

Democracy is the face of a free nation,
Giving respect, should be the duty of the religion,
Conferring equality, that should be the role of law,
And foundations of our constitution too,
Killing secularism is a foolish act,
So, It’s important to tell the truth.

It’s the birth place of Thirukkural and the land of peace,
We lived here as so many tribes,
Then, some people came here on their horses,
They subjugated us from then till now.
They grabbed our lands, exploited our resources,
Generation after generation, they refused to touch us

They segregated us into separate religion and castes,
They getting rich by exploiting our work is what’s history.
We cannot forget that.

Who is minority here?
Working class is the majority all around the world,
But, the reality is that we stay divided!!

Those who came after is after our lives,
While, those who are struggling for us are getting shot.

Who should live here?
Who should rule here?
Who is the citizen?
Who is Indian?
Who is Tamizhan?
Who are you to tell me what I am?
One’s motherland is not in their birth.

Let us fight,
Come forward Tamizha, let us fight,
In the streets, let us fight,
United as one, let us fight.
If our rights are taken away, let us fight.

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