Kimetsu no Yaiba Mother Spider Demon HD Wallpaper 20200120, 22 Images

  • 5 years ago
Kimetsu no Yaiba Mother Spider Demon HD Wallpaper 20200120, 22 Images
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Demon Abilities
Shapeshifting - The Mother Spider Demon has shown advanced skills in the shapeshifting, as she managed to change and alter her skin color, hair length and color, facial structure, demon marks, eye color and physical characteristics to match and resembles Rui's own physical features and maintain these changes for extended periods of time. However, most likely due to her young age as a demon, she would sometimes accidentally revert back into her true form much to Rui's annoyance making him severely punish her.
Blood Demon Techniques (血けっ鬼き術じゅつ Kekkijutsu?)
Threads - Like the other members of her "Family", the Mother Spider Demon's main form of attack is focused on spider threads by attaching her threads to her intended victims she can successfully turn them into virtual puppets that she then uses to combat her opponents from a safe distance. She can even use these threads to somehow bring out the full physical power of her controlled puppet to its maximum, albeit at the cost of putting her puppets through severe physical pain due to it.This ability also allows her to control the corpses of Demons, as she somehow acquired and preserved the dead body of a Demon and prevented it from disintegrating to black smoke for use in combat.
Spiders - The Mother Spider Demon can command small white spiders with red dot like design similar to the physical traits of herself and her "family" (as such they may be detachments from her own body) to stealthily attach her threads to her intended victims without them noticing.
