Monarch Chapter 3B - MKULTRA 1953

  • 16 years ago
This work of a series of short videos by Marshall Thomas is dedicated to exposing the current Phoenix Program in the US aimed at dissidents, whistleblowers, and "security risks", who are subjected to a combined program of Phoenix, MKULTRA, Cointelpro, and human experimentation using non-lethal weapons. The beginning videos establish a pattern of behavior, show the scientists and their research, and expose previous similar crimes that are historical fact. The final videos showing the situation of targeted individuals are not proven facts, but stem from my meetings with over 150 of the current victims in the US. Please view the Monarch films beginning with chapter one. The previous films are slide shows that contain more background information. The total run time for Monarch is 2 hours. For more info on targeted individuals go to

Chapter 1 Phoenix Program

The Phoenix Program was the assassination campaign in Vietnam that killed 40,000 civilians suspected of aiding the enemy. Phoenix was the formative experience for a generation of CIA and military intelligence personel, such as NSA general Michael Aquino and Col. John B. Alexander. It is the blueprint for the current counterinsurgency/infiltration campaign waged against domestic dissidents using state of the art microwave weapons that kill with invisible bullets. Chapter one of a twelve part series.