Cash Gifting You Join Here You Succeed PERIOD!

  • 16 years ago Visit my Cash Gifting website and I will change your life But, Cash Gifting programs, like any good thing, there’s a catch - if your cash gift is to qualify under IRS regulations, it must be given with no strings attached. You can’t get anything in return from the gift’s recipient. It is this restriction which has given rise to the many creative ways in which cash gifting programs have tried to separate themselves from elaborate Ponzi schemes. What’s a Ponzi scheme, and how do they apply to cash gifting? Named for Charles Ponzi, Ponzi schemes promise impossibly high investment returns in unrealistically short periods, and rely on those promises to keep new investors coming. It’s the money from the new investors which is used to pay most of the remarkable returns to the earlier ones, because Ponzi schemes almost never have any additional sources of income. As more investors join a Ponzi scheme, more money is needed to pay them, and the scheme will eventually collapse when the amount of money it owes eclipses the amount of money coming in. The scheme’s most recent investors will lose the most because their investments have been used to pay earlier investors. Many cash gifting programs trying to avoid a Ponzi label have steered clear of calling themselves investments. Investments fall under SEC regulations and those suspected of being fraudulent can be shut down. There are criminal penalties for those who engage in illegal investment activities. Cash gifting programs will also avoid calling themselves business opportunities, because that name implies the existence of a contract between a buyer and a seller, for goods or services and would be regulated by state laws. So how do cash gifting programs work? Most cash gifting programs have “systems” requiring membership fees to cover their operational costs, which include promotion. Anyone joining one of these programs will receive money, but only from the people he or she persuades to ...