Paradiso Solutions Performance Management System

  • 5 years ago
Performance Management systems these days provide a Fair environment. It is responsible for measuring the KPI's for the employees at your organization and keeping track of the productivity of the individual employees. It allows you to figure out the crucial assets of your organization.
There are several HRMS and Performance Review Systems out of which Paradiso Solutions PMS stands out as the best employee performance management software in the market for its precocious features.
Paradiso offers both On-Premise and Cloud Performance Management System

Performance Management Software Features

360 Degree Feedback

360-degree feedback process helps in gathering feedback from employee's subordinates, colleagues, and supervisors and at the same time assist with self-evaluation by the employee themselves.

Skill Training

With our employee management software, you will be able to train your employees in those specific skills that you need them to acquire through a great LMS system. Also, detect those members of your staff that are below the rest and provide focused training for them.


Performance appraisal is a feature by which predefined KPI or ORK is documented and evaluated for an individual employee. This appraisal system gets a notification to complete regular reviews of employees.


Competencies support the provision of feedback on what an employee has accomplished and how the complete work was performed. It also helps in achieving consistent results ie KPI's predefined by the organization.

Advanced Reports

Reports are one of the most important features of any software system that involves the user’s activity. With the Advanced Reports feature you will be able to track and measure every activity that your users or your platform do for you

Plus, it has plenty of features and integrations to smooth any kind of business with ease.
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