• há 6 anos
https://filmow.com/the-life-zone-t70789/ Three women, who had been expecting to abort their babies, wake up to find they've been kidnapped and held captive by a doctor, who intends for them to deliver their unwanted babies. Instead of your usual horror fare, the women are dressed in nightgowns and drink warm milk, while reading and watching propaganda on why abortion is bad. After a while, two of the women realise that what they were about to do was wrong, and agree to have their babies, whilst the third still resists and tries to force a miscarriage. Suddenly it transpires that the two women who gave birth are now in Heaven, whilst the unlucky die-harder has been cast into Hell. It seems as if they'd been in the very Roman Catholic Purgatory, waiting for a chance to redeem themselves. The Life Zone The Life Zone

