Couple gets hit in same spot 10 minutes apart for not looking

  • 5 years ago
YICHANG, CHINA — A couple in China were clearly meant to be after being struck trying to cross an insanely busy street in the exact same spot only 10 minutes apart for totally ignoring traffic rules.
According to The Paper, police released CCTV footage of the hilarious incident which took place in the Hubei city of Yichang on December 17.

The wife is seen attempting to cut through traffic riding an electric bike when she totally doesn't look to see if, you know, a car might be coming, and gets up close and personal with the front end of a car in the right turn lane.
She gets pretty good airtime and falls off her bike, losing a shoe in the process.
As the woman gets up, police come over and get her to the side of the road.
End of story. Well, maybe not quite yet because about 10 minutes later, her dear hubby seeing all the commotion comes running over, choosing the exact same route his wife took.
Guess we can all see where this wreck is headed.
The guy makes his way successfully through the rows of cars until he was no longer successful. He then manages to get hit in the exact same spot as his wife.
The match made in heaven didn't quite get to heaven, but they did get taken to the hospital. Lucky for them, neither have life-threatening injuries.

Guess there really is someone for everyone.