Acordou de repente, assustado, com aquela sensação de pesadelo, abrindo bastante os olhos, o coração aos saltos. Ela estava ali ao lado da cama, em pé, com um travesseiro entre as mãos, sobrancelhas unidas como uma expressão do ator Jack Black, observando maligna e fixamente.
He woke up suddenly, startled, with that nightmarish feeling, opening his eyes wide, his heart pounding. She was standing there by the bed, standing with a pillow in her hands, brows knit together like an expression of actor Jack Black, watching wickedly and steadily.
He woke up suddenly, startled, with that nightmarish feeling, opening his eyes wide, his heart pounding. She was standing there by the bed, standing with a pillow in her hands, brows knit together like an expression of actor Jack Black, watching wickedly and steadily.