Cinemas open in Buenos Aires 1978

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: The magic of cinema will never die, millions of people ratify it at any point in the country such as in the traditional streets Corrientes, Lavalle, Santa Fe, encourage with their presence the realization of new productions. It is to this public and to the owners of the rooms that Sucesos Argentinos dedicates its effort. Today we want to participate to you in a cordial welcome, it is the one that together with DISTRIMAR we want to give to the new cinema "Concords", in Buenos Aires and to the cinema "Atlas" of the thriving city of Villa Gessell. The one at Villa Gessell has a capacity of 1,200 seats, a panoramic screen and a modern confectionery. Also, today's sound for today's audience.
Date: 1/25/1978
Duration: 58 seconds
Film code: F-00089

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