Food for the Power of Thinking | Official Book Trailer

  • 5 years ago
Food for the Power of Thinking Book 1 by Rev. Dr. Antony O. Hobbs, Sr., Ed.D. is a book that aims to educate and motivate African American pastors, laymen, and the community about learning more of both their ancient and contemporary African history, including the achievements of the black race.

This book raises awareness and encourages more discussions among students and professionals alike to promote a healthy exchange of new perspectives. In accordance to Dr. Hobbs’ vision of creating a stronger race, the words are meant to inspire solidarity and empower a great nation that is seemingly scattered around the globe. With an entire race’s achievements in history allegedly concealed, reading this book extremely counters such intention of wiping out such affluent history.

The author reinforces the importance of knowing your own origin to boost one’s self-respect and self-worth. Dr. Hobbs also focuses on the value of black history in the Bible, the secular world and even elaborates the human milestone.

The book’s author earned his two Bachelor of Arts Degree from AMAN College and finished modern foreign language, which are French and Spanish from the University of Arkansas.

Know more about Dr. Hobb’s work by checking out his riveting book trailer on YouTube with this link. To get the latest update on authors, like and follow Authors Press on Facebook and Twitter.

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