Into the new year with new tanks, and this time in this cartoon about tanks you will see not only the new KV-44 2020, but also you will see the new Ratte model, which also received the 2020 index. These are two heavy-duty iron monsters with impressive technical characteristics and heavy-duty armor, as well as the most serious and powerful equipment. Each of these steel giants is designed for serious battles in extreme conditions. But in this cartoon, the battle has just begun. I hope you enjoy this video, of course, if you like tanks and cartoons. Well, if you liked this video and you want to see the continuation of the confrontation between the KB-44 and Ratte, then you probably need to subscribe to my channel Valhalla Toons, so as not to miss a new episode in which KB44 will fight a formidable opponent named Ratta. Thank you for watching, friends! #valhalla_toons #tanks #cartoons_about_tanks # kv-44 # ratte #tanktoonInto the new year with new tanks, and this time in this cartoon about tanks you will see not only the new KV-44 2020, but also you will see the new Ratte model, ...
Into the new year with a new tank! In this cartoon, you will see the modernization of the Soviet monster KV-44, but more precisely, it is more accurate to say not ...
Мультик про танки по мотивам игры World of Tanks. В данном видео вы увидите : как в битве монстров встретились две...
Мультик про танки по мотивам игры World of Tanks. В данном видео вы увидите: Как Ратте будет искать путь к выходу...
Мультик про танки по мотивам игры World of Tanks. В данном видео вы увидите: как Левиафан заехал в бункер и устроил...
Into the new year with a new tank! In this cartoon, you will see the modernization of the Soviet monster KV-44, but more precisely, it is more accurate to say not ...
Мультик про танки по мотивам игры World of Tanks. В данном видео вы увидите : как в битве монстров встретились две...
Мультик про танки по мотивам игры World of Tanks. В данном видео вы увидите: Как Ратте будет искать путь к выходу...
Мультик про танки по мотивам игры World of Tanks. В данном видео вы увидите: как Левиафан заехал в бункер и устроил...
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