Full version A Thief in Stickleback Hollow (The Mysteries of Stickleback Hollow, #1) For Kindle


by tacaigh00tyu

When her parents die from fever, Lady Sarah Montgomery Baird Watson-Wentworth has to leave India, a land she was born and raised in, and travel to England for the first time.Finding it almost impossible to adjust to London society, Sarah flees to the county of Cheshire and the country estate of Grangeback that borders the village of Stickleback Hollow.A place filled with oddballs, eccentrics and more suspicious characters than you can shake a stick at, Sarah feels more at home in the sleepy little village than she ever did in the big city, however, even sleepy little villages have mysteries that must be solved.A break-in at Grangeback, the assault on Bosworth the butler, the theft of Sarah's jewellery and rifling through the possessions of her late father lead Sarah to believe that there is more to the crime than an interrupted burglary and that there is something more nefarious afoot.The newly formed police force is still finding its feet, so Sarah must investigate on her own to find out what is going on in this new place she might call home.