• 6 anni fa
Video created by CLiVa Toscana (https://www.clivatoscana.com/)

The Gentiloni Government with the Ministry of Health Beatrice Lorenzin, by harnessing the media made-up measles epidemic, has extended in June 2017 the vaccination mandate to 10 vaccines and reinforced the penalties for those who do not fulfill the obligation. The decree-law initially had provided economic penalties up to 7.500€, notifications to the Minor’s Court to assess the potential suspension of parental responsibility and denial of access to kindergartens. Undergoing conversion into law, the regulatory framework has been modified lowering the fines to 500€ but keeping the vaccines requirement for access to nurseries and preschools. The previous legislature opposition forces (Movimento 5 Stelle and Lega) had promised to abolish law 119/2017 but almost one year after the elections, even if supporting the present Government, that promise has fallen on deaf ears. In August a new bill (n.770) has been presented with the joint signature of the two ruling parties, going beyond law 119 and the present concept of mandate but it introduces, in the event of deviation from the pre-defined objectives provided by the national vaccine prevention plan, also the suspension from school attendance for all children and youngsters. The legislative process is still very long while at the moment thousands of children are excluded from kindergartens and preschools because of the current Government unfullfilled promises. We are witnessing everyday statements from key members of Movimento 5 stelle, including the present Ministry of Health Giulia Grillo, going in the opposite direction to that claimed and promised before the elections. In this climate of discrimination, italian press never miss a chance to make fake media and justify sanitary obligations going against our Constitution.

