A Better 'Dog Years' Calculation Is Presented by Researchers

  • 5 years ago
A Better 'Dog Years' Calculation
Is Presented by Researchers.
Dog lovers likely know the
old adage that one dog year is
equal to seven human years.
Researchers from UCSD
have shown that this
measurement is a bit arbitrary. .
They studied the
age indicator molecules
attached to the DNA of
104 Labrador retrievers.
They discovered that the
rate of aging in the adolescent
and mature Labs was much
faster than in humans.
Younger and older Labs,
though, aged at a rate
that is more similar to humans.
In other words,
a 5-year-old dog is about
as old as a 57-year-old human. .
But a 6-year-old dog's
aging has slowed. This dog is
about as old as a 60-year-old human.
Researchers note that because
only Labs were studied, the
human age equivalent of other
breeds could be different.
Dog owners can use
the 'Science Magazine' online
dog age calculator to discover
the human age of their pet