Air Social Digital Marketing - Digital Marketing Agency Surrey

  • 5 years ago
If you’ve hired a digital marketing agency Surrey based to improve your marketing, it’s easier to measure a return on investment than with offline marketing. Now everyone uses the internet, you’re also more sure of finding audiences than with traditional efforts.

Imagine you’d paid for a newspaper advert or a physical mailshot posted through people’s doors. You have no way of knowing who’s seen the ad or if your carefully-prepared leaflet went straight into the recycling bin. But results from a digital marketing agency Guildford based are transparent. Website analytics show just how many people have visited each webpage and what action they took as a result. Page content and calls to action can then be fine-tuned to improve on those results. Paying for ads online? Then conversion tracking helps you understand how each ad campaign contributes to rises in email sign-ups, sales, generating leads or prompting downloads, for instance.

With services from an expert social media agency Surrey, you get real-time feedback from actual and potential customers on whether your marketing is working or not. So a digital marketing agency Surrey based beats offline marketing hands down.

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