Millionaire Mind Intensive 5 CDs Hypnotherapy Series

  • 16 years ago
Hypnotherapy for a Millionaire Mind CD "Hypnotherapy for a Millionaire Mind" and the four other accompanying titles, are a huge success at T. Harv Eker's "Millionaire Mind Intensive" (MMI) program. Julie Dittmar's award-winning, soothing voice, combined with beautiful, supportive music that slows the heart rate and breath, and superb scripting (directly tied in to Peak Potentials' teachings), are the perfect combination to assist you in growing and maintaining your abundance, building self-esteem and confidence, experiencing more peace, and shedding excess pounds (emotionally or physically!). Hypnotherapy is a powerful and effective self-development and personal growth tool. It is especially effective when used over time. Repeated listening is encouraged. Hypnotherapy for Inner Power & Self-confidence 1. Introduction to Hypnotherapy 2:18 2. Hypnotherapy for Inner Power & Self-confidence 18:13 3. Introduction to Declarations 1:38 4. Inner Power & Self-confidence Declarations 10:19 Hypnotherapy for Inner Peace 1. Introduction to Hypnotherapy 2:18 2. Hypnotherapy for Inner Peace 18:12 3. Introduction to Declarations 1:38 4. Inner Peace Declarations 13:20 Hypnotherapy for Infinite Streams of Passive Income 1. Introduction to Hypnotherapy 1:51 2. Hypnotherapy for Infinite Streams of Passive Income 18:06 3. Introduction to Declarations 1:33 4. Infinite Streams of Passive Income Declarations 8:33 Hypnotherapy for a"Millionaire Mind" 1. Introduction to Hypnotherapy 2:12 2. Hypnotherapy for a"Millionaire Mind" 17:08 3. Introduction to Declarations 1:16 4. "Millionaire Mind" Declarations 12:02 Guided Imagery for Weight Loss 1. Introduction to Guided Imagery 2:28 2. Weight Loss Guided Imagery 21:02 3. Introduction to Declarations 1:38 4. Weight Loss Declarations 17:16
