Voices In The Storm Blizzard of 1978 Documentary

  • 5 years ago
The Great #blizzard of 1978. Named #stormlarry brought #death , and #destruction
to #newengland Many States, and Coastlines were severely affected.
Though #massachusetts was hit the hardest. New England as a whole, had
to pick up the pieces.

A valuable lesson was learned that week.

Please subscribe to my Channel. I hope you enjoy!

*This film was shot exclusively using the 2.5D Parallax Effect. I Was
inspired by the master of this art form Joe Fellows. Check out his
technique by the: Youtube Channel Creators:

Thank you to the Award-Winning Author Mr. Michael Tougias and
Co-Author of the Disney movie The Finest Hours. For use of his book:
The Blizzard of 1978.

You can find other amazing books of his:


I Dedicate this film to my #mother and #father, The #brocktonpolice
Department, The former Brockton City Hospital, and to all Government
both #federal and #state Individuals. Who made sure their states were
taken care of that dreadful week. And to those aboard the Can Do. You
men will be etched In history as Brave Souls.

And to all other
families who lost a loved one. May you have #peace .

#neverforget The
#blizzard Of 1978
