Grand Isle Movie Trailer HD - Nicolas Cage - Plot synopsis: Walter (Nicolas Cage) and his neglected wife lure a young man into their Victorian home to escape a hurricane. When the man is charged with murder by Det. Jones (Kelsey Grammar), he must reveal the couple's wicked secrets to save himself.
directed by Stephen S. Campanelli
starring Nicolas Cage, KaDee Strickland, Luke Benward, Kelsey Grammer, Zulay Henao, Emily Marie Palmer
release date December 6, 2019 (in theaters and on VOD)
directed by Stephen S. Campanelli
starring Nicolas Cage, KaDee Strickland, Luke Benward, Kelsey Grammer, Zulay Henao, Emily Marie Palmer
release date December 6, 2019 (in theaters and on VOD)
Short film